#AmmaanPacharisiParuppuThuvaiyal #AsthmaPlantLentilChutney :
I have learned from web world that ammaan pacharisi is known as #AsthmaPlant in English and it is helpful in treating our respiratory problems. The monsoon has just started here at #Chittaranjan, West Bengal and we are getting considerable rain fall on daily basis. So the plants are happy and weeds are growing abundantly in our garden. Now #Ammaanpacharisiplant [ #AsthmaPlant ] has started growing up in almost all places around our house and garden.The leaves are very fresh and tender.
So I have started using its leaves in the preparation of chutney quite frequently.

#AmmaanPacharisi names in different languages
Botanical Name : Euphorbia hirta
English Name : Asthma plant or Common spurge or Cats hair or Garden spurge or Tawa-tawa
Hindi Name : Bada dudhi
When the stem is being broken a white sticky liquid just like milk oozes out.
The leaves don't have any smell or distinct taste.
Uses : Asthma, respiratory problem and respiratory tract inflammation
Lungs problem, Gastrointestinal disorder, diarrhoea, malaria and dengue fever.
It is also good in treating mouth ulcers and also stomach ulcer.
After preparing a tasty thuvaiyal [ chutney ] from Amman pacharisi leaves recently, now I have made another kind of thuvaiyal here.
Method :
Clean amman pacharisi leaves in water two or three times.
Drain the water and set aside.
Heat a kadai with half a teaspoon of oil on slow flame.
Add red chilly once oil starts fuming.
Fry red chilly till its color changes to dark red.
Remove and place it on a dry plate.
Fry black pepper also in the same way and remove.
Now add half a teaspoon of oil and then add Thuvar dal.
Continuously stir till thuvar dal turns golden brown.
Transfer on to the plate.
Finally saute ammaan pacharisi leaves.
Transfer on to the plate.
This chutney can also be mixed with hot white rice along with a dash of gingelly oil [ sesame/till oil ] and relished with Pulicharu and pappad. This is one of the greatest combo and also the favorite of every house hold in Tamil Nadu.
It also goes well with vathakuzhambu or any favorite vegetable curry of ones choice.
You may like to try :
For Other Chutney Varieties
Chutney Recipes
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I have learned from web world that ammaan pacharisi is known as #AsthmaPlant in English and it is helpful in treating our respiratory problems. The monsoon has just started here at #Chittaranjan, West Bengal and we are getting considerable rain fall on daily basis. So the plants are happy and weeds are growing abundantly in our garden. Now #Ammaanpacharisiplant [ #AsthmaPlant ] has started growing up in almost all places around our house and garden.The leaves are very fresh and tender.
So I have started using its leaves in the preparation of chutney quite frequently.

#AmmaanPacharisi names in different languages
Botanical Name : Euphorbia hirta
English Name : Asthma plant or Common spurge or Cats hair or Garden spurge or Tawa-tawa
Hindi Name : Bada dudhi
When the stem is being broken a white sticky liquid just like milk oozes out.
The leaves don't have any smell or distinct taste.
Uses : Asthma, respiratory problem and respiratory tract inflammation
Lungs problem, Gastrointestinal disorder, diarrhoea, malaria and dengue fever.
It is also good in treating mouth ulcers and also stomach ulcer.
After preparing a tasty thuvaiyal [ chutney ] from Amman pacharisi leaves recently, now I have made another kind of thuvaiyal here.
Ingrdients : | |
20 - 25 | Ammaan Pacharisi Leaves [ Asthma plant leaves ] |
3 Tbsp | Coconut scrapings |
1 Tbsp heaped | Thuvar dal |
2 - 3 | Red chilly dry [ Adjust ] |
10 - 12 | Black Pepper |
5 - 6 | Garlic cloves |
3/4 Tsp | Salt [ Adjust ] |
2 Tsp | Gingelly oil [ Sesame/Till oil ] |
Method :
Clean amman pacharisi leaves in water two or three times.
Drain the water and set aside.
Heat a kadai with half a teaspoon of oil on slow flame.
Add red chilly once oil starts fuming.
Fry red chilly till its color changes to dark red.
Remove and place it on a dry plate.
Fry black pepper also in the same way and remove.
Now add half a teaspoon of oil and then add Thuvar dal.
Continuously stir till thuvar dal turns golden brown.
Transfer on to the plate.
Finally saute ammaan pacharisi leaves.
Transfer on to the plate.
Now take all the roasted ingredients into a mixie jar along with garlic, salt and coconut scrapings.
Grind into a smooth paste adding water.
Adjust salt and Transfer into a serving bowl.
This chutney can also be mixed with hot white rice along with a dash of gingelly oil [ sesame/till oil ] and relished with Pulicharu and pappad. This is one of the greatest combo and also the favorite of every house hold in Tamil Nadu.
It also goes well with vathakuzhambu or any favorite vegetable curry of ones choice.
You may like to try :
For Other Chutney Varieties
Chutney Recipes
For variety of recipes
Recipe Index
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