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Sunday, September 20, 2020


#VetrilaiChutney  #BetelLeafChutney :

#Vetrilai is called #BetelLeaf in English. The scientific name is Piper betle.

The betel leaves are rich in Vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, carotene and Calcium. Betel leaves are analgesic and helpful to ward off pain. We used to chew betel leaf, betel nut and lime after a heavy meal. This is because of its carmative, anti-flatulant property and increases metabolism and stimulates intestine to absorb vital vitamins and nutrients.

The Betel leaf and pepper along with honey is an excellent home remedy for cough, cold and congestion in the respiratory tract. Boil some bruised betel leaves in a cup of water along with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom & black pepper and keep boiling till the amount of water reduces by half. Intake of this decoction helps to relieve congestion in the respiratory tract and breathing problem.

I like to chew lime smeared betel leaves and scented areca nuts after a heavy meal. That helps to digest the food in the stomach. The betel leaves I used in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are less spicy in taste. Generally after eating betel leaves, the tongue would turn numb as the taste buds lose its sensitivity. It takes some time to get back the sense of taste by the tongue. The betel leaves available in #Chittranjan are spicier and thicker in size. That is why, the taste buds in my tongue used to take quite a long time to gain back its sensitivity after the consumption of betel leaves here.

Some days back I bought betel leaves to chew after lunch. But I could consume only one leaf and saved the remaining leaves in the fridge. I didn't like to waste those leaves. I saw one or two sambar recipes using vetrilai. But it wasn't appealing to me and I wanted to prepare a dish using those leaves in raw form with its taste intact. 

Daily I have been serving idli with chutney or sambar to two to three persons apart from me and my husband since when Corona pandemic lock down was announced at the end of March 2020. Most of the days I used to prepare herbal spicy chutney using predominantly Mint, curry leaves, karpooravalli and other condiments. An ingredient that imparts sour taste to the chutney has to be included to prepare a tasty chutney. I always use lemon and during Summer unripe mango [ maangai ] and nellikkai [ amla ] whenever it's available, to give sour taste to the chutney. I use almost all the ingredients in the raw form to get its full nutrients. 

In the same way this time I have decided to include betel leaves in place of mint or curry leaves to make a spicy chutney for breakfast.

Vetrilai Vengaya Chutney :

Vetrilai Vengaya Chutney [ Betel Leaf Onion chutney ]

Ingredients :
5 - 6Vetrilai [ Betel Leaves ]
10 - 12Green chilly
8 - 10Small onion
small pieceTurmeric tuber [ optional ]
1/2 in. pieceInji [ Ginger ]
1 TspBlack pepper
1/4 TspCumin seeds
2 - 3Garlic pods
3/4 TspSalt [ adjust ]
1/2 TspLemon juice [ adjust ]

Method :

Wash betel leaves [ vetrilai ] two or three times in water. 

Take all the given ingredients in a mixie jar. 

Initially run the mixie without adding water. Then add some water and grind into a smooth paste.

Finally adjust salt and lemon juice. 

Yes the chutney is ready to serve with hot idli or dosai or appam.

Serve a spoon of Vetrilai vengaya chutney and pour a teaspoon full of gingelly oil [ sesame/til oil ] over it as the chutney is spicy. Mm... Enjoy!!

You may like to try :
Bhringaraj [ karisalangkanni ] thuvaiyal
Bringaraj chutney
Ammaan pacharisi thuvaiyal [ Asthma plant chutney ]
Ammaan pacharisi thuvaiyal [ Asthma plant chutney ]
Pudhina yoghurt chutney
Pudhina yogurt chutney
Vallarai [ centella ] chutney
Vallarai [ centella ] chutney
Poduthalai thuvaiyal
Poduthalai thuvaiyal
Capsicum Chutney
Capsicum Chutney
Muttacos [ Cabbage ] chutney
Muttacos [ Cabbage ] chutney
Katharikkai [ Brinjal ] chutney
Katharikkai [ Brinjal ] chutney
Ammaan pacharisi [ Asthma plant ] Paruppu thuvaiyal
Ammaan pacharisi [ Asthma plant ] Paruppu thuvaiyal
Maangai herbal chutney [ Raw mango herbal chutney ]
Maangai herbal chutney [ Raw mango herbal chutney ]

For Other Chutney Varieties

Chutney Recipes

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